Getting A Trampoline This Summer
Getting a trampoline over the summer is one of the most fun and enjoyable things for your family and children. The only thing is is, it comes with a large amount of risk. Trampolines not only pose a risk for your family and friends that you have over, but it attracts attention that can lead to risks.
For example, if you live in town and your yard is open to the public, one of your childrenโs friends could jump on the trampoline at any time. If they were to get injured while jumping on your trampoline you could be held liable.
Weighing The Risks Of a Trampoline
Would you always be held liable for injuries that occur on your trampoline? Technically you will not always be held liable for trampoline injuries. If you donโt have a net on your trampoline thereโs a chance you could get sued for injuries of someone falling off your trampoline. If a person trust passes on your property and uses your trampoline you will not be held liable.
Ways Trampolines Can Cause Damages
Generally, you can determine if you would be held liable if any of the risks that led to the injury could have been negated by you. For instance, rusty springs that you neglected to replace could lead to an injury. The placement of your trampoline could lead to an injury. Not having a safety net on your trampoline can lead to an injury. All of these are potential ways you could be held liable for damages caused while a person uses your trampoline.
Another way your trampoline can cause damages might not be exactly what you expect. Trampolines have a terrible tendency to lift off the ground in moderate to high winds. If a trampoline is lifted off the ground and thrown 30 feet in any direction what could it damage? Your house could be damaged by the trampoline, your vehicles and your neighbor’s home could be damaged by a trampoline that is tossed around in a storm. While it may seem uncommon, it is highly probable. The damages that a trampoline can cause are extremely high risk and insurance companies take that into consideration when providing coverage for a home that owns a trampoline.
Insurance Can Increase Or You May Have To Switch Carriers
Adding trampoline insurance onto your homeowner’s insurance policy will likely increase the cost for your insurance. Because of the risk trampolines pose, a lot of insurance carriers refuse to cover homes that have trampolines or pools. Luckily Strickler Insurance works with a wide variety of insurance providers. We will work to find one that will cover your home and protect you from the risks of owning a trampoline.
Contact Strickler Insurance If You Are Considering Getting A Trampoline
Contact Strickler insurance for a free home insurance quote. While we love trampolines, we also love keeping you and your family safe and protected. Make sure you take all safety measures necessary if you purchase a trampoline. Contact us for a free quote. We serve in the following states: ย Pennsylvania,ย New York,ย New Jersey,ย Maryland,ย Delaware, andย Virginia.